Thursday, August 27, 2009
Memahami Sebuah Pembelajaran
Semula saat saya masih belajar di SMA, tak terbayangkan sedikitpun dalam benak saya menjadi seorang guru. Terbayangkan oleh saya betapa enaknya menjadi seorang direktur atau pegawai kantoran. Naik mobil mewah, berpakaian mentereng dan berwibawa. Lalu saya pun ikut tes masuk perguruan tinggi negri (saat itu namanya SIPENMARU) dengan pilihan jurusan Ekonomi di Universitas Negri bergengsi di Surabaya kerena saya beranggapan para direktur perusahaan itu banyak yang sarjana ekonomi. Tapi apa hendak dikata, maksud hati memeluk gunung namun tak samapi jua. Apa yang saya angankan tak mudah saya wujudkan. Saya pun lalu putus asa dan baru menyadari bahwa mewujudkan impian tak semulus mencanangkan keinginan itu sendiri dalam impian.
Sekarang saya menjadi seorang guru. Ternyata enak juga ya. Lalau pertanyaannya adalah kok bisa. Barangkali Anda merasa aneh tapi begitulah yang terjadi. Mungkin Anda juga punya pengalaman sama, atau hampir sama lah dengan saya. Boleh jadi. Tapi kisah perjalanannya mungkin tidak sama. Mau tahu dari saya?
Begini. Setelah saya tahu kemampuan saya tidak cukup menjadi seorang sarjana jebolan UNAIR Surabaya, saya mencoba sekali lagi ikut seleksi. Saya pilih jurusan Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan di UT. Alhamdulillah nama saya tertulis di koran. Betapa bangganya saya walau hanya bisa belajar di Universitas Terbuka. Satu tahun sudah saya belajar di UT. Lama kelamaan kok saya meresa jenuh karena kuliahnya hanya baca dan mengerjakan tugas tugas di modul. Apalagui saya saat itu belum punya pekerjaan tetap, alias menganggur. Cocoknya kuliah di UT itu untuk orang orang yang sibuk sambil tetap kuliah. Merasa tidak enak dengan orang tua dan saudara yang sering saya mintai dana kuliah, saya coba melamar menjadi guru ekonomi di sebuah SMP swasta di Kabupaten gresik. Sayangya, jam ekonomi jumlahnya sedikit, hanya 2 jam per kelas, dan guru ekonomi di sekolah itu masih aktif. Jadi, saya ditawari menjadi staf tata usaha. Yah tidak apa apa dari pada tidak bekerja.
Dua bulan berjalan saya nikmati pekerjaan itu. Eh, tiba tiba kok sering ada kelas kosong. Kebetulan kelas kosong itu pelajaran bahasa Inggris dan secara kebetulan pula gurunya adalah kepala sekolah. Beliau sering keluar rapat. Yah, dengan berbekal ilmu bahasa Inggris sedikit sedikit, saya coba mengisinya. Ternya tidak susah. Anak anak saat itu menyukai cara dan gaya saya mengajar. lalu menjadi seorang guru pun mengilhami diri saya. Saya merasa cocok sekali dengan pekerjaan itu. Satu tahun pelajaran saya lalui pekerjaan saya menjadi TU sambil mengisi mata pelajaran bahasa Inggris di kelas kelas yang kosong. Semenjak itu, saya dipercaya oleh kepala sekolah untuk mengajar bahasa Inggris di kelas I SMP, dan langsung saja pindah kuliah, dari jurusan ekonomi di UT ke jurusan bahasa Inggris di sebuah IKIP swasta di Surabaya meskipun harus saya mulai dari awal. Eh ... enggak sombong lho, saya menjadi guru bahasa Inggris tiga bulan lebih awal sebelum saya kuliah jurusan bahasa Inggris padahal nilai bahasa Inggris saya di rapot SMP dan SMA jelek. Bahkan sewaktu di SMA ada yang nilainya 4. Tapi saya kok bisa mengajar bahasa Inggris ya? Aneh tapi nyata.
Nah, berangkat dari pengalaman saya semula yang tidak ingin menjadi guru lalu sekarang menjadi guru (guru bahasa Inggris lagi!) sampai saya yang tidak bisa apa apa dalam pelajaran bahasa Inggris sekarang menjadi guru bahasa Inggris. Saya jadikan pengalaman saya ini sebagai acuan ketika saya mengajar. Siswa saya harus belajar memahami potensi dirinya, bila perlu sejak dini biar tidak seperti saya. Sudah tua baru tahu petensinya. Atau tidak seperti tetangga saya, lulusan sarjana pertanian tapi menjadi guru. Atau seperti teman saya, sarjana perikanan menjadi TU.
Fenomena ini memang seringkali kita temui. Perhatikan saja orang orang dekat kita. Banyak diantaranya yang bekerja dengan keahlian yang mereka miliki saat mereka bekerja. Coba bayangkan kalau mereka bekerja dengan bekal keahlian dan ketrampilan yang mereka peroleh semenjak mereka belajar di bangku sekolah. Kok bisa ya? Pertanyaan ini memang singkat dan terasa lucu. Memang beginilah potret pendidikan kita. Sekolah tak ubahnya sebuah lembaga bimbingan belajar yang tugas utamanya mencetak siswa yang lihai menyelesaikan soal soal ujian. Perolehan NEM tinggi lalu dijadikan sebagai indikator keberhasilan sekolah. Guru guru pun berebutan menggunakan LKS atau latihan soal soal sebagi media utama dan ceramah pun dipilih sebagai metodenya. Tak diragukan lagi, anak anak tumbuh sebagai mesin penjawab soal, persis seperti kalkulator atau robot buatan Jepang. Bahkan ada keyakinan guru merasa berdosa kalau tidak berbuat seperti itu.
Memang menjadi guru itu mudah, tapi menjadi guru yang memliki seni mengajar tidak gampang. Itu disebabkan mengajar tidak lagi upaya mentransfer ilmu pengetahuan melainkan upaya menciptakan situasi dimana anak mau belajar. Kedalaman materi tidak lagi yang utama, melainkan bagaimana mengemas materi itu menjadi sesuatu yang menarik bagi siswa agar mereka mau belajar walau tanpa keberadaan kita di sisihnya. Kalau anak anak belajar karena ada gurunya itu wajar, berlaku dimana saja. Tetapi kalau anak belajar tanpa ada kita, itu baru luar biasa. Disinilah totalitas peran seorang guru.
Profesi guru memang unik karena ia dapatkan ilmu di waktu lampau, lalu ia mengajar di waktu sekarang dan mempersiapkan generasi di waktu yang akan datang. Nah kalau sekarang ini ada guru mengajar dengan gaya sebagaimana mereka dulu, yah parah. Gaji sedikit atau banyak, caranya masih seperti itu itu. Belum sarjana atau sudah sarjana, masih tetap seperti itu. Umar Bakri..., Umar Bakri. Kasihan deh pendidikan di negri ini! Wahai pemrihati pendidikan, bangun dan bukalah mata hatimu. Mari kita berjuang sepenuh hati walau di negri ini belum banyak yang peduli. Berangkatlah dari hal hal yang kecil dan mulailah dari diri kita sendiri. sekian samapi disini dan kita akan ketemu lagi.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Kids' Understanding Comes through Hands, Eyes and Ears

Kids have special ways in order to learn English. Their characteristics are didifferent from adults. One of them is their understanding comes through hands, eyes and ears. In my former note I suggested to use multi-sence method.
Here is an example; Our objective is to identfy the colors red, yellow and blue. Many teachers teach this objective by translating them into Indonesian or they may write the translation on a white board and ask to copy. It seems simple and they may thing three colors is not enough so that they teach more colors in a period or a meeting. To know how the kids master the objective, the teachers often ask in Bahasa Indonesia "Bahasa Inggrisnya merah apa anak-anak?" Finally, they judge that the students' competence is achieved if the students can answer the questions.
As matter of fact the illustration above is misunderstood. The kids may have many vocabularies of colors, but lack of using them. It means they know much about English because they can translate, but they do not know how to do. The question is how we should do. The following will explain the steps we teach the objectives;
1. Say the three colors by showing the things that have the colors. When we say red color, we show red color, we say blue color we show blue color, ect. Say, "It's yellow," or just "Yellow"
2. Have them repeat after us enough times so that they are familiar.
3. After that, we can vary by introducing the question, "What color?" to give the context. Here we do not need to translate the question because the context is clear enough. The kids will understand automatically.
4. Prepare some pictures and distribute one picture for one student. Have them colored. While they are busy doing their project, we can go around and ask everyone about what color the pictures are. By doing this we will see which students marked mastery, in progress or not mastery.
5. To those who have mastery or in progress may be invited to share with the class just by saying the colors of their pictures. Or, they can put their pictures on a display board and ask the other students to see, and if possible have them ask their friends' pictures by using the question what color?
6. End the activity by singing a song or a game about the colors. We can create our own song or game to make the learning activity more meaningful.
Here is an example; Our objective is to identfy the colors red, yellow and blue. Many teachers teach this objective by translating them into Indonesian or they may write the translation on a white board and ask to copy. It seems simple and they may thing three colors is not enough so that they teach more colors in a period or a meeting. To know how the kids master the objective, the teachers often ask in Bahasa Indonesia "Bahasa Inggrisnya merah apa anak-anak?" Finally, they judge that the students' competence is achieved if the students can answer the questions.
As matter of fact the illustration above is misunderstood. The kids may have many vocabularies of colors, but lack of using them. It means they know much about English because they can translate, but they do not know how to do. The question is how we should do. The following will explain the steps we teach the objectives;
1. Say the three colors by showing the things that have the colors. When we say red color, we show red color, we say blue color we show blue color, ect. Say, "It's yellow," or just "Yellow"
2. Have them repeat after us enough times so that they are familiar.
3. After that, we can vary by introducing the question, "What color?" to give the context. Here we do not need to translate the question because the context is clear enough. The kids will understand automatically.
4. Prepare some pictures and distribute one picture for one student. Have them colored. While they are busy doing their project, we can go around and ask everyone about what color the pictures are. By doing this we will see which students marked mastery, in progress or not mastery.
5. To those who have mastery or in progress may be invited to share with the class just by saying the colors of their pictures. Or, they can put their pictures on a display board and ask the other students to see, and if possible have them ask their friends' pictures by using the question what color?
6. End the activity by singing a song or a game about the colors. We can create our own song or game to make the learning activity more meaningful.
As you see from the first to the last activity that the learning involves almost all the students' senses. Despite the objective is simple, the activity is meaningful. It means we stress more on how to teach than the material itself.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Teaching English for Kids
The first time when I taught English for my elementary students I felt confused. Idid not know much how to teach. At that time English materials was around how to master grammatical structers. No wonder not only my students but also I loooked bored. It was my bad experience.
Teaching English for kids is not difficult if we know the way which we come into . In this case, we have to know the art how to teach them. The folowing description will open your mind how to treat them;
1. Take listening and speaking among the four language skills, especially for lower grades. The baby starts learing mother tongue language through listening then speaking. But if we theach the kids reading or even writing mean we teach unnaturally. Do not care whether your kids can not read or write the words or phrases they are going to learn. Do not write anythings and then ask them to read. You just focus on listening and speaking.
2. Use multisense methods in your teaching. The kids should watch, listen, touch even act in order to master the topic so that the learning process will be meaningful. The meaningful experience stays longer in our mind.
Teaching English for kids is not difficult if we know the way which we come into . In this case, we have to know the art how to teach them. The folowing description will open your mind how to treat them;
1. Take listening and speaking among the four language skills, especially for lower grades. The baby starts learing mother tongue language through listening then speaking. But if we theach the kids reading or even writing mean we teach unnaturally. Do not care whether your kids can not read or write the words or phrases they are going to learn. Do not write anythings and then ask them to read. You just focus on listening and speaking.
2. Use multisense methods in your teaching. The kids should watch, listen, touch even act in order to master the topic so that the learning process will be meaningful. The meaningful experience stays longer in our mind.
3. Grade your materials from the most simple to the complexed ones. to grade means we should not hurry to give all the materials, but step by step. Take an example when we want to teach number 1 to 10, give them 1 to 3 first. Make it sure they know how to say and to use the numerical symbols 1, 2 and 3 in their learning activities such as to say jumbled numbers and even to count. Avoid having numbers memorized.
4. Focus more on the way you diliver the material than the content of the material itself. Do not judge the topic only from the content. Kids often think differently from adults.Uninteresting topics for us would be interesting for the kids.
5. Use songs to enrich their vocabularies or patterns they are going to learn instead of memorising. Almost all kids like song. Many teachers give song as a reward because the students have done many exercises. Use song as one of your teaching activity form the opening to the end of meeting.
4. Focus more on the way you diliver the material than the content of the material itself. Do not judge the topic only from the content. Kids often think differently from adults.Uninteresting topics for us would be interesting for the kids.
5. Use songs to enrich their vocabularies or patterns they are going to learn instead of memorising. Almost all kids like song. Many teachers give song as a reward because the students have done many exercises. Use song as one of your teaching activity form the opening to the end of meeting.
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